Brookmont Healthcare Center
Brookmont Healthcare Center, LLC
PO Box 50
Brookmont Drive
Effort, PA 18330
610-681-5070 fax
Welcome to Brookmont Healthcare Center located in Effort, PA. Brookmont Healthcare Center is a 119 bed rehabilitation and skilled nursing facility offering outstanding care, exquisite surroundings and many convenient options for residents seeking the finest in skilled nursing care.
Our reputation for quality care spans nearly five decades. In that time, we have consistently maintained progressive programs for every level of need including life enrichment and extension, exercise and rehabilitation, Alzheimer's disease and other services to maintain and enhance the living experience.
At Brookmont, we consider each and every person we serve as an individual with specific needs. Whether your requirements are long term or interim care, our highly trained and accredited staff of professionals are here to custom tailor a perfect complement of programs to suit your specific needs.
Our goal is to return each patient to his/her highest level of function. Individual programs are tailored to include goals that will ensure appropriate functional skills can be identified, learned, safely implemented and reinforced.
Geriatric rehabilitation provides each resident the tools needed to maximize individual potential for achieving personal independence and dignity.
Our therapy program provides a therapeutic, holistic approach that meets the highest standard of quality in the most cost effective and value-added manner.
* Post Stroke
* Post Total Joint Replacement
* Splinting & Contracture Management
* Falls/Restraint Reduction
* Rehab Dining
* Swallow Retraining/Deep Pharyngeal
* Neuromuscular Stimulation Certification
A variety of therapeutic, entertaining and challenging recreational opportunities are planned for residents of Brookmont by a full staff of professionals and volunteers. Activities are geared to make beneficial use of leisure time while improving gross and fine motor skills.
Some of the social experiences include but are not limited to:
* Exercise Group
* Gardening
* Sing-A-Longs
* Arts & Crafts
* Movies & Videos
* Bingo/Table Games
* Bowling
* Balloon Volleyball
* Parties/barbeques
* Cooking/Serving Clubs
* Woodworking
* Pet therapy
* Group Discussions
* Bible Study
* Current Events
* Wii game playing
Content copyright 2009. Jeanneane. All rights reserved.