Cheltenham York Road
Cheltenham York Road
John Fredericks, Administrator
7101 Old York Road
Philadelphia, PA 19126
Phone: (215) 424-4090
Fax: (215) 424-8447
Cheltenham York Road, located at 7101 Old York Road, offers 250 skilled and intermediate beds. Built on a proud tradition of offering care and services to seniors, Cheltenham York Road is in the middle of a traditional Philadelphia neighborhood that features row, twin, and single houses, churches, schools, and shops.
Cheltenham York Road is a member of the NewCourtland Network, an organization that exists to carry out a healing mission for Philadelphia’s seniors, and is committed to honoring the staff who work with them.
The care provided to residents of Cheltenham York Road is holistic – we care for the body, mind and spirit. We listen to, and take cues from, our seniors and the staff who care for them as we design activities and programming.
Some of Cheltenham York Road’s activities and programming includes:
* Comfort & Joy – An award-winning interactive arts and cultural program, which celebrates intergenerational artistic achievement by pairing seniors with school-aged children and local artists.
* Pastoral Care – Provides opportunities for worship, reflection, prayer and meditation, to promote a spiritual connection among Cheltenham York Road residents, families and staff.
* Seniors Empowered for Lifelong Fitness (SELF) – This program seeks to enhance seniors’ physical and emotional well-being through structured exercise classes.