The Patriot
The Patriot
495 West Patriot Street
Somerset, Pennsylvania 15501
Phone: 814-445-4549
Fax: 814-443-2631
Licensed nursing staff provide medical monitoring and intervention around the clock. Nursing Assistants help our residents with the tasks of everyday functioning. We provide a variety of support and treatment, such as IV hydration. antibiotics, specialized feeding devices/tubes, wound care, oxygen and respiratory therapy.
An independent practitioner, Ann Smith MD, Family Practice, serves as Medical Director for the Patriot. Her clinical expertise is augmented by a genuine respect and interest in the well-being of the residents and their environment.
Our Palliative Care Program provides emotional, spiritual, comfort and symptom relief to those with identified need. The specially designed Serenity Suite offers a peaceful and supportive environment to the resident during the last days of life. Hospice Services are available, and a representative is part of our Treatment Team.
Pain management is addressed through multiple modalities - oral, subcutaneous, intramuscular, transdermal and intravenous routes; heat therapy, whirlpool therapy, positioning with or without special adaptive devices.
A Wound Care Nurse addresses the specifics of skin maintenance and healing processes for our residents. Comprehensive Restorative Nursing addresses ambulation, dining, fitness/exercise, positioning, bowel and bladder function, and prevention of skin breakdown.
The goal of our Therapy Department is to alleviate physical challenge and promote independence in those we serve. The professional team of Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists provide custom-designed Rehab programs for residents recuperating from procedures such as hip and knee surgery; and to those needing to regain strength and endurance from diagnoses such as pneumonia, heart attack and stroke.†Focus is upon assisting the individual to develop skills and abilities needed for optimum independence. Our expertise addresses these needs from the younger adult to the Senior citizen.
Commitment to our goal has led to Therapy services available six days per week, rather than a traditional five days per week program. The services of the Therapy Department are also available to those residing on our Personal Care area, and of course, are based upon assessed need and a physician order.
